Presidential Trivia!

In honor of Presidents' Day, I am presenting some lesser known presidential trivia. Amaze your friends (or random passers by if you prefer) with these amazing factual tidbits about former commanders in chief!

In honor of Presidents' Day, I am presenting some lesser known presidential trivia. Amaze your friends (or random passers by if you prefer) with these amazing factual tidbits about former commanders in chief!

  • Zachary Taylor could perform over 400 different bird whistles, and often did so when meeting with his cabinet.

  • Gerald Ford once beat a Welshman to death with a piccolo.

  • Herbert Hoover was the inspiration for Tyler Perry's "Madea".


  • Bill Clinton is a prolific writer of "Gilmore Girls" fan fiction.


  • George W. Bush was part owner of the Orlando Rage XFL franchise.


  • Chester A. Arthur often performed in drag under the stage name "Chester Drawers".


  • Millard Fillmore had a pet antelope named "Ichabod".


  • James K. Polk claimed to have encountered a Sasquatch in an East Tennessee dry goods store.


  • Prior to becoming President, John Quincy Adams was a crime solving coroner.


  • Richard Nixon invented Tetherball. 


  • There have only been three cannibal Presidents. Only one since 1950.


  • Grover Cleveland wasn't the only Pres. with a name used on Sesame Street. See also William "Cookie Monster" McKinley.


  • Despite popular mythology, George Washington did not have wooden teeth. But he did have a pinkie toe made out of a desiccated pickle.


  • Barack Obama was an avid collector of Archie comics.


  • James Buchannan was the first U.S. President to enjoy waffles. Franklin Pierce was the first to have one, but he did not enjoy it.


  • Martin Van Buren had a band called “Van Buren” which had a hit song titled “Hot For Kinderhook”.


  • Harry S Truman hated lima beans so much that if anyone mentioned them in his presence he would thrash them with a metal pipe.

The above is satire, which, frankly, should be obvious.